
JoinedDec 3, 2008
Possible clan system addition:
Maybe having it where clans can take control of areas?
Maybe having it where clans can take control of areas?


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Ok changed CANSLICE to NOSLICE and added a NOBLOOD. Added the rename_in_banks to the changes list. Added in so can stop an area from being saved in the area list in the mud.
Well I don't mess with those things to much, any reason it would help them out etc...? There would have to be something they do to take control of the area and a way they could loose control of it. And some gain from having control of it.
Well I don't mess with those things to much, any reason it would help them out etc...? There would have to be something they do to take control of the area and a way they could loose control of it. And some gain from having control of it.


JoinedDec 3, 2008
This is what I was thinking, if an area is unclaimed, they would have to beat a boss mob for the area in order to gain control.
Then for another clan to take over, they would have to kill a member of the clan that controls the area.
This would make clan wars a bit more interesting.
I was thinking maybe addiing a way for clans to gain interest one 24 hours of the amount of money the area makes from shops?
The longer the they control the area the longer the more interest they gain ?
Maybe adding away for the owner of the clan to create a clanonly account in the bank system?
Then for another clan to take over, they would have to kill a member of the clan that controls the area.
This would make clan wars a bit more interesting.
I was thinking maybe addiing a way for clans to gain interest one 24 hours of the amount of money the area makes from shops?
The longer the they control the area the longer the more interest they gain ?
Maybe adding away for the owner of the clan to create a clanonly account in the bank system?


JoinedMar 25, 2008
That would really be a game specific addition.. .Not all people using LOP may want to use it. It's called Lands of Pabulum afterall. [something (as writing or speech) that is insipid, simplistic, or bland] Doesn't mean LOP is bland or insipid... but certainly it is simple and ease of use is one of it's major selling points.


JoinedJul 26, 2005
The things one finds out haha, the name I have no clue where it came from. Back when I merged muds with Paradigm he choose the name etc... and it just has been with it since lol.
It doesn't sound to hard to do and I've seen it done even to more of an extent then that. Clans could have hometowns and they could attack each others hometown etc... There is no limit to what you can make one do if you put in the time and effort to have it done. As for it going in to the release probably not, but as always if you kind of get it going etc... and need help feel free to ask.
It doesn't sound to hard to do and I've seen it done even to more of an extent then that. Clans could have hometowns and they could attack each others hometown etc... There is no limit to what you can make one do if you put in the time and effort to have it done. As for it going in to the release probably not, but as always if you kind of get it going etc... and need help feel free to ask.


JoinedDec 3, 2008
Highscores do not have a remove from highscore function for when the char is deleted. Also doesn't have a rename function for when the char is renamed.


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Well with highscores not really needed. On loadup it makes sure the pfile exist before adding a name to the list and it will add one for someone if they change their name. (The next time they save etc...)
Not to say they can't be added just not really needed
Not to say they can't be added just not really needed


JoinedDec 3, 2008
Oh I see, didn't even notice that it did that.


JoinedDec 3, 2008
Makehighscore doesn't check to see if a highscore name already exist.


JoinedJul 26, 2005
update_highscore is what normally gets used. It looks to see if they have a highscore and if so it uses that one, if not they get one added.


JoinedDec 3, 2008
I meant you can create more then one table with the same name.


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Ah yea that would be bad. Thanks for letting me know


JoinedDec 3, 2008
No prob, think you can post the fix ?


JoinedJul 26, 2005
CMDF( do_makehightable ) { HIGHTABLE_DATA *table; set_char_color( AT_HIGHSCORE, ch ); if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char( "Usage: makehightable <name>\r\n", ch ); return; } if( ( table = find_hightable( argument ) ) ) { send_to_char( "There is already a highscore table with that name.\r\n", ch ); return; } if( !( table = add_hightable( argument ) ) ) { send_to_char( "HighScore table wasn't created.\r\n", ch ); return; } save_highscore( ); send_to_char( "HighScore table created and highscore tables saved.\r\n", ch ); }


JoinedMar 25, 2008
Remcon said:
Ok changed CANSLICE to NOSLICE and added a NOBLOOD.
What I did is made a few spellflags, "Humanoid", "Animal", "Construct," and "Undead", put in a boolean for "ishumanoid" etc., and have been using it in several places. Blood, mob yelling on hunting, a few act flags, slice and corpses etc etc.


JoinedNov 22, 2010
Hello everybody!:
I've descovered the way to show accents and special characters in LOP, and I think that it would be to portable another codebases.
It's probably that it isn't the best way to do it, but it's the only way I descovered. the only you have to do is to delete the following line at comm.c:
else if( isascii( d->inbuf[i] ) && isprint( d->inbuf[i] ) )
I tried and I can show (á, é, Ã, ó, ú and ñ)
I hope that help somebody who has the same problem that i had.
I've descovered the way to show accents and special characters in LOP, and I think that it would be to portable another codebases.
It's probably that it isn't the best way to do it, but it's the only way I descovered. the only you have to do is to delete the following line at comm.c:
else if( isascii( d->inbuf[i] ) && isprint( d->inbuf[i] ) )
I tried and I can show (á, é, Ã, ó, ú and ñ)
I hope that help somebody who has the same problem that i had.


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Yea thats the one lol I thought it was something like that but just haven't looked in ages lol. Considering I've been asked about that recently I'm sure someone will find it useful thanks for locating it and all.


JoinedDec 3, 2008
Not sure if this a bug or not, but the channels will send to people if they are connected at the point where they are not fully logged in yet, and still looking at the motd.


JoinedDec 3, 2008
Also is there like a link for a step by step on adding mccp and imc to a codebase?


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Hmm, IMC comes with directions I think been ages
I'm fairly sure I've seen some mccp instructions also, but again been ages, sorry
Thanks I hadn't noticed that, added in handle_channels for it to skip descriptors if they weren't listed as CON_PLAYING. Could add in to show to ones in the editor also etc... But I kind of like not getting screen spam in an editor.

I'm fairly sure I've seen some mccp instructions also, but again been ages, sorry

Thanks I hadn't noticed that, added in handle_channels for it to skip descriptors if they weren't listed as CON_PLAYING. Could add in to show to ones in the editor also etc... But I kind of like not getting screen spam in an editor.