Terms of Service: Uploads
Rules For Uploading Files
The files section of this site is intended as a resource to allow members to share code, snippets, areas, and other miscellaneous resources with each other. As such, certain rules exist governing the distribution of these files from this site.
By uploading content to this site, you agree to the following terms:
* You grant the site a non-exclusive license to distribute the material being uploaded.
* You acknowledge that you are authorized to upload the material, either as the original copyright holder, an authorized agent of the copyright holder, or with the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
* Uploaded content must comply with all relevant licensing that governs it.
* Content removal requests will require written notice to the site administrators from either the copyright holder or their authorized agent.
* No uploading of pornographic or sexually explicit material.
* No illegal content is to be uploaded. This includes but is not limited to:
+ Pirated software, commonly referred to as "warez".
+ Child pornography.
+ Instructions for how to commit a crime.
+ Spyware, malware, viruses, trojans, or tools used to hack into computers.
+ Tools used for the purpose of spreading spam, generally defined as any unsolicited bulk advertisement.
The administration reserves the right to make judgments on any material uploaded that does not clearly fall within one of these rules but is deemed to be offensive or falls outside the confines of general decency. Questions about this policy should be raised in private with the site administrators. Public discussion of administrative action is not permitted and any such topics raised will be immediately removed and the poster may face additional punishment.