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Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
Version 1.60b of AFKMud has been released.
This is a bugfix/maintenance release.
A patch file exits in the download area.
To apply: place the patch file in your afkmud directory and use the following:
patch -p1 < 160bpatch
Standard disclaimer type stuff: Changes in this version may or may not remain compatible with your
older support files, such as areas, commands, skills, socials, etc. If things break, you were warned.
Bugfixes this release:
All updates through I3 2.32 added. [Samson]
Prototype flags not properly removed from mobs when edited. [Samson]
Using channel shortcut names in listen command would add erroneous channels to the list. [Samson]
FreeBSD not able to use bug function backtrace. [Samson]
FreeBSD not able to handle some float to int casting. [Samson]
Cygwin needed a kludge for the shell code. [Samson]
Corrected a number of possible infinite loops in casting spec_funs. [Samson]
Interport channels no longer causing NPC related crashes. [Samson]
Non-Bugfix alterations:
Consolidated the direction number checks into one function. [Samson]
Consolidated the handling of recall rooms into one function. [Samson]
Half-Troll players are not affected by posioned food. [Samson]
mpopenpassge and mpclosepassage now accept named directions. [Samson]
This is a bugfix/maintenance release.
A patch file exits in the download area.
To apply: place the patch file in your afkmud directory and use the following:
patch -p1 < 160bpatch
Standard disclaimer type stuff: Changes in this version may or may not remain compatible with your
older support files, such as areas, commands, skills, socials, etc. If things break, you were warned.
Bugfixes this release:
All updates through I3 2.32 added. [Samson]
Prototype flags not properly removed from mobs when edited. [Samson]
Using channel shortcut names in listen command would add erroneous channels to the list. [Samson]
FreeBSD not able to use bug function backtrace. [Samson]
FreeBSD not able to handle some float to int casting. [Samson]
Cygwin needed a kludge for the shell code. [Samson]
Corrected a number of possible infinite loops in casting spec_funs. [Samson]
Interport channels no longer causing NPC related crashes. [Samson]
Non-Bugfix alterations:
Consolidated the direction number checks into one function. [Samson]
Consolidated the handling of recall rooms into one function. [Samson]
Half-Troll players are not affected by posioned food. [Samson]
mpopenpassge and mpclosepassage now accept named directions. [Samson]
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