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Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
Version 1.75 of AFKMud has been released.
This is a bugfix/feature enhancement release.
A patch file is attached to this post, and will only be available via this post.
You must use g++ to compile this release.
This will likely also be the last of the 1.7 line. We are beginning a move toward
changing over to C++ coding and frequent patches during this would prove destabalizing.
Any critical updates needed will most likely be issued in the form of forum updates.
( yeah yeah, I know it's been said before! You weren't supposed to notice! )
To apply: place the patch file in your afkmud directory and use the following:
patch -p1 < 175patch
This patch is intended for use on the original 1.7 package which was released on
March 6, 2005. If you have already applied any of the bugfixes in the forum post for 1.7 fixes
then the patch will likely fail. Proceed at your own risk.
Standard disclaimer type stuff: Changes in this version may or may not remain compatible with your
older support files, such as areas, commands, skills, socials, etc. If things break, you were warned.
Bugfixes this release:
The mudprogs directory was missing. [Samson]
File based mudprogs are not loading correctly. [Samson/Xorith]
Clothing item type is throwing bug messages. [Samson]
Players unable to set alert settings on local boards. [Xorith]
Imms and Mods unable to read local boards from anywhere. [Xorith]
Logic error in vnum range checks for do_minvoke. [Zeno]
Some classes are missing from the shove and drag commands. [Gatewaysysop]
clean_obj is not doing a complete enough job. [Zhamel]
do_bashdoor has an unnecessary chance for the basher to attack itself. [Gatewaysysop]
do_promote allowed promotion past MAX_LEVEL. [Xorith]
New I3 routers don't get added to the linked list, resulting in a memory leak. [Samson]
The QUICKMATCH macro is no longer desired and is being removed. [Samson]
STRFREE and DISPOSE macros made memory safe. [Samson]
MAX_PCFLAG define is set wrong. [RapidRunner]
Area convert command would not load SmaugWiz zones. [Samson]
Race definitions have a typo. [Txzeenath]
Double freeing say_history / Memory leak - tell_history not being DISPOSED [Samson]
List of RIS flags in build.c is missing the NONE case. [Txzeenath]
Combat damage does not affect all available wear locations. [Txzeenath]
free_ban performs double free on the ban_time member. [GatewaySysop]
Outcast clan deity string is not being freed. [GatewaySysop]
Named RIS flags not applying on skills and spells. [Txzeenath/Samson]
Non-Bugfix alterations:
All references to sh_int changed to short. Typedef sh_int removed. [Samson]
This is a bugfix/feature enhancement release.
A patch file is attached to this post, and will only be available via this post.
You must use g++ to compile this release.
This will likely also be the last of the 1.7 line. We are beginning a move toward
changing over to C++ coding and frequent patches during this would prove destabalizing.
Any critical updates needed will most likely be issued in the form of forum updates.
( yeah yeah, I know it's been said before! You weren't supposed to notice! )
To apply: place the patch file in your afkmud directory and use the following:
patch -p1 < 175patch
This patch is intended for use on the original 1.7 package which was released on
March 6, 2005. If you have already applied any of the bugfixes in the forum post for 1.7 fixes
then the patch will likely fail. Proceed at your own risk.
Standard disclaimer type stuff: Changes in this version may or may not remain compatible with your
older support files, such as areas, commands, skills, socials, etc. If things break, you were warned.
Bugfixes this release:
The mudprogs directory was missing. [Samson]
File based mudprogs are not loading correctly. [Samson/Xorith]
Clothing item type is throwing bug messages. [Samson]
Players unable to set alert settings on local boards. [Xorith]
Imms and Mods unable to read local boards from anywhere. [Xorith]
Logic error in vnum range checks for do_minvoke. [Zeno]
Some classes are missing from the shove and drag commands. [Gatewaysysop]
clean_obj is not doing a complete enough job. [Zhamel]
do_bashdoor has an unnecessary chance for the basher to attack itself. [Gatewaysysop]
do_promote allowed promotion past MAX_LEVEL. [Xorith]
New I3 routers don't get added to the linked list, resulting in a memory leak. [Samson]
The QUICKMATCH macro is no longer desired and is being removed. [Samson]
STRFREE and DISPOSE macros made memory safe. [Samson]
MAX_PCFLAG define is set wrong. [RapidRunner]
Area convert command would not load SmaugWiz zones. [Samson]
Race definitions have a typo. [Txzeenath]
Double freeing say_history / Memory leak - tell_history not being DISPOSED [Samson]
List of RIS flags in build.c is missing the NONE case. [Txzeenath]
Combat damage does not affect all available wear locations. [Txzeenath]
free_ban performs double free on the ban_time member. [GatewaySysop]
Outcast clan deity string is not being freed. [GatewaySysop]
Named RIS flags not applying on skills and spells. [Txzeenath/Samson]
Non-Bugfix alterations:
All references to sh_int changed to short. Typedef sh_int removed. [Samson]
Attached file:
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