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Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
Version 2.03 of AFKMud has been released.
This is a bugfix release.
A patch file is attached to this post, and will only be available via this post.
You must use g++ to compile this release.
To apply: place the patch file in your afkmud directory and use the following:
patch -p3 < 203patch.txt
This patch is intended for use on the original 2.02 package which was released on
July 5, 2007. If you have already applied any of the bugfixes in the forum post for 2.02 fixes
then the patch will likely fail. Proceed at your own risk.
Standard disclaimer type stuff: Changes in this version may or may not remain compatible with your
older support files, such as areas, commands, skills, socials, etc. If things break, you were warned.
Bugfixes this release
Mobs with max hitdie values always show as DYING.
Players who idle off at certain login screens can duplicate pets.
Mob resets do not work properly when limits are specified.
Utility Macros sometimes give bad results.
Converted areas don't have valid datestamps on them.
Projectile skills are not properly learnable.
mptrlook command crashes with an empty target room argument.
Help file loader does not recognize a corrupted helps.dat file.
Spec_fun names are assigned improperly when binding pets.
top_sn value is altered by load_commands and load_socials.
This is a bugfix release.
A patch file is attached to this post, and will only be available via this post.
You must use g++ to compile this release.
To apply: place the patch file in your afkmud directory and use the following:
patch -p3 < 203patch.txt
This patch is intended for use on the original 2.02 package which was released on
July 5, 2007. If you have already applied any of the bugfixes in the forum post for 2.02 fixes
then the patch will likely fail. Proceed at your own risk.
Standard disclaimer type stuff: Changes in this version may or may not remain compatible with your
older support files, such as areas, commands, skills, socials, etc. If things break, you were warned.
Bugfixes this release
Mobs with max hitdie values always show as DYING.
Players who idle off at certain login screens can duplicate pets.
Mob resets do not work properly when limits are specified.
Utility Macros sometimes give bad results.
Converted areas don't have valid datestamps on them.
Projectile skills are not properly learnable.
mptrlook command crashes with an empty target room argument.
Help file loader does not recognize a corrupted helps.dat file.
Spec_fun names are assigned improperly when binding pets.
top_sn value is altered by load_commands and load_socials.
Attached file:
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