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JoinedJul 26, 2005
in auth.c function auth_update
change it to
If you have a character waiting in the auth list and hes destroyed etc... when it updates the auth list it will crash.
void auth_update( void ) { CHAR_DATA *vch; AUTH_DATA *auth; int count = 0; bool pfile, authsave = false; for( auth = first_auth; auth; auth = auth->next ) {
change it to
void auth_update( void ) { CHAR_DATA *vch; AUTH_DATA *auth, *auth_next; int count = 0; bool pfile, authsave = false; for( auth = first_auth; auth; auth = auth_next ) { auth_next = auth->next;
If you have a character waiting in the auth list and hes destroyed etc... when it updates the auth list it will crash.
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