[Bug] Aninmate dead spell checks dragon corpses improperly
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AFKMud 2.03
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#1 Feb 16, 2008 11:32 pm
Black Hand
JoinedJan 1, 2002
Bug: Aninmate dead spell checks dragon corpses improperly
Danger: Medium - May not catch someone trying to animate a dracolich out of a non-dragon corpse.
Discovered in: AFKMud 2.03
Found by: Samson
Fixed by: Samson
magic.cpp, spell_animate_dead
Change to:
Since corpse_name is not a std::string it can't be compared using the == operator and must instead be checked by str_cmp or the results will most likely not be useful for verifying that a dracolich can only be animated from a dead dragon.
Danger: Medium - May not catch someone trying to animate a dracolich out of a non-dragon corpse.
Discovered in: AFKMud 2.03
Found by: Samson
Fixed by: Samson
magic.cpp, spell_animate_dead
/* * Bugfix by Tarl so only dragons become dracoliches. 29 July 2002 */ if( corpse_name == "dracolich" )
Change to:
/* * Bugfix by Tarl so only dragons become dracoliches. 29 July 2002 */ if( !str_cmp( corpse_name, "dracolich" ) )
Since corpse_name is not a std::string it can't be compared using the == operator and must instead be checked by str_cmp or the results will most likely not be useful for verifying that a dracolich can only be animated from a dead dragon.
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