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JoinedNov 11, 2012
I'm having an issue on a newly compiled smaugFUSS 1.9 installation, it took a bit of tweaking to get it up and running on my system, but i'm having the current issue when I type wizlist, it shows the available text from the file, but all of the empty space from the file shows up as nothing but special characters, I'm fairly sure that this may be happening with other commands that I have not yet come across. any idea's what could be causing this?

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
What kind of system are you running it on?


JoinedMar 8, 2005
That's the typical behavior for Windows when it has a character that isn't represented in the current font, and also the generic symbol for ASCII 255.
I'd load your files up into an editor that lets you be sure what you think are spaces, really are plain ASCII 32 spaces, and not shift-space or some other fancy UTF-8 symbol.
I'd load your files up into an editor that lets you be sure what you think are spaces, really are plain ASCII 32 spaces, and not shift-space or some other fancy UTF-8 symbol.


JoinedNov 11, 2012
Kayle said:
What kind of system are you running it on?
I'm running the system on a Raspberry Pi using Raspbian as the OS (lightweight debian-based OS designed for the Raspberry Pi board). It took a bit of coding to get it to compile on the unit, but I finally got it to compile. Everything appears to work perfectly except for this.

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
I'm not really all that familiar with either of those, but you might do what Quix suggested. It might be something screwed up in the line endings.


JoinedMar 8, 2005
If you don't mind, Kayle might like to take a look at the diff between stock and your code to make it ARM compatible. I don't know how many people would want to run their game on one of these low power servers, but ARM and Intel ATOM likely both need a few changes to work out of the box.
Lots of size_t and ptr_t stuff I'd bet.
Lots of size_t and ptr_t stuff I'd bet.


JoinedNov 11, 2012
Quixadhal said:
If you don't mind, Kayle might like to take a look at the diff between stock and your code to make it ARM compatible. I don't know how many people would want to run their game on one of these low power servers, but ARM and Intel ATOM likely both need a few changes to work out of the box.
Lots of size_t and ptr_t stuff I'd bet.
I would be happy to oblige, should I provide the entire compilation, or just the code that I changed to get it to compile?

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
A diff file of your src folder and the stock FUSS would be fine.


JoinedNov 11, 2012
Kayle said:
A diff file of your src folder and the stock FUSS would be fine.
Here you go. This is the core of the changes I made to get it to compile, I got most of the information from a post Nick Gammon made several months ago.
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