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Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
Bug: Immortals cannot always detect trapped items
Danger: Trivial - Item information display is missing a holylight check.
Found by: Smaug 1.8
Fixed by: Smaug 1.8
act_info.c, format_obj_to_char
Change to:
Immortals who were not under the affect of a trap detection spell or ability would not be able to see them in the room without the addition of the holylight check. It's a minor thing but imms should have total visibility on everything if they want it.
Danger: Trivial - Item information display is missing a holylight check.
Found by: Smaug 1.8
Fixed by: Smaug 1.8
act_info.c, format_obj_to_char
if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_DETECTTRAPS ) && is_trapped( obj ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "(Trap) ", MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
Change to:
if( ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_DETECTTRAPS ) || IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) ) && is_trapped( obj ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "(Trap) ", MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
Immortals who were not under the affect of a trap detection spell or ability would not be able to see them in the room without the addition of the holylight check. It's a minor thing but imms should have total visibility on everything if they want it.
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