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Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
I stumbled across some old logs that drug me back into digging around in some old code, which also led me to remember this place and to check in.
Been a couple of years. Good to see the place still exists.
Some might notice the name change, it's what I've been going by these days.
Who knows how active I'll be between a full-time job, full-time college schedule, and raising two kids. But we'll see.
What's everyone else up to these days?
Been a couple of years. Good to see the place still exists.
Some might notice the name change, it's what I've been going by these days.

What's everyone else up to these days?


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Well I was just about to ask everyone what they have been up to. but noticed this post and figured I'd just say hi in here as well lol. Seems like most of us have gotten busy with life and haven't done to much lately code related.
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