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JoinedJan 24, 2008
Just tried to do some searching for some topics I know are here (ie LUA and Elysium codebase that Kayle talked about) and found that the forum search seems to be broken.

Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
There's been some hefty remodeling going on in the code behind the scenes over the last few weeks. Search didn't seem to be broken before but doesn't seem happy with itself now. I'll have to look into that.
Posting had a bug though. The fatal error message pinged me on that one and it's fixed now.
Clicking on user history from a profile seems fine so I'm not sure which user history you're referring to?
Posting had a bug though. The fatal error message pinged me on that one and it's fixed now.
Clicking on user history from a profile seems fine so I'm not sure which user history you're referring to?


JoinedJan 24, 2008
I should have been more specific. The first page looks great but when you go to click next it return an error

Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
Search issues should all be fixed now.


JoinedJan 24, 2008
I'm still noticing that if you search for some things, such as Kavir or protocol snippet, nothing is returning. Which if you google, you can find the posts on google but they won't open that way either. So I'm not sure what's going on. Have we pruned some old posts?
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