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JoinedDec 16, 2010
Long time no see
I'm getting back into the mud dev thing now, so it reminded me of the area archive, and I stopped by to see if you guys wanted them uploaded here.
I.. think Kayle got them all uploaded? Which is why I gather Samson never replied to my emails.
If you're missing any from the contributers' section let me know and I can send over the rar.
Requested a free account from :X If you guys still use the inter-mud chat, I'll probably see you on there soon

I'm getting back into the mud dev thing now, so it reminded me of the area archive, and I stopped by to see if you guys wanted them uploaded here.
I.. think Kayle got them all uploaded? Which is why I gather Samson never replied to my emails.
If you're missing any from the contributers' section let me know and I can send over the rar.
Requested a free account from :X If you guys still use the inter-mud chat, I'll probably see you on there soon


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Welcome back

Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
Welcome back Dace. I'm pretty sure I responded to any emails I got, but I guess it depends on how long ago it was now


JoinedDec 16, 2010
Haha it was a couple years back, I don't know whether they never got to you or yours never got to me, no matter
Man I spent the day trying to chat up Zeno and Connor but they were both afk.
How is the mud community faring these days anyways? I went to TMC and saw the new IPhone client and flash client, and figured that maybe
people had started realizing graphical MMOs are trash and were coming back to MUDs as a community.
I dropped by about 10-20 muds today though and if anything it seems even more dead than a few years ago
Can I pretty much expect my pbase to consist of friends? =P

Man I spent the day trying to chat up Zeno and Connor but they were both afk.
How is the mud community faring these days anyways? I went to TMC and saw the new IPhone client and flash client, and figured that maybe
people had started realizing graphical MMOs are trash and were coming back to MUDs as a community.
I dropped by about 10-20 muds today though and if anything it seems even more dead than a few years ago

Can I pretty much expect my pbase to consist of friends? =P


JoinedSep 5, 2010
Can I pretty much expect my pbase to consist of friends? =P
Yes. heh

Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
I don't really keep up on much of the happenings in the general community anymore. Though when I do visit places like TMC, TMS, etc, I notice activity levels are way down compared to 2 years ago, and the trend appears to only be going down further.
Yes, I think it's safe to say that outside of a few very large MUDs and the pay games that any pbase you run into will consist of a small group of friends.
Yes, I think it's safe to say that outside of a few very large MUDs and the pay games that any pbase you run into will consist of a small group of friends.


JoinedDec 16, 2010
K time to start recruiting friends I suppose!
Do you play anything these days Sammy? I know you gave up playing muds quite awhile ago in favor of admining, but I thought I'd ask in case there's an amazing
game out there you've discovered :X

Do you play anything these days Sammy? I know you gave up playing muds quite awhile ago in favor of admining, but I thought I'd ask in case there's an amazing
game out there you've discovered :X

Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
I've spent most of my time absorbed with modding for TES IV: Oblivion over the last couple of years, with gaming breaks to play things like Witcher, Two Worlds, Dragon Age, and a few others I can't think of off hand. I'm not even doing any admin stuff in MUDs these days beyond maintaining this forum and the hosting.
Very much looking forward to what Bethesda cooks up for TES V: Skyrim.
Very much looking forward to what Bethesda cooks up for TES V: Skyrim.


JoinedDec 16, 2010
Wow, makes sense - any coding efforts you do would be enjoyed by thousands more people than working on a mud >_<


JoinedMay 8, 2005
Hey Dace, it's been quite awhile but it's good to see you back.
Most of us don't bother with IMC anymore though I still keep my mud connected to it for pchat (for my players) and inews for myself and my players, not that I have that many active players these days, but.. unfortunately, ichat's not usually worth even listening to for me anymore.
I did see that you'd dropped by yesterday and the day before and I did respond to you in case you dropped back by (each of my mud channels has a history log that you can view by entering the channel name by itself) but I've been busy the last couple of days running around trying to find a job because my wife lost her job the other day and while it had been covering our bills, it hadn't provided us any reserve so things are pretty desperate right now, instead of just really really tight, for us for a change. I've left my character logged in so that his triggers are available to anyone who logs on and wants/needs them though. ..and so I can more easily see what, if anything, I'd missed in my absence.
Sadly, I'd have to agree that most player bases these days are down to just small clusters of friends, but there are still a few players who don't know coders/admins running around too, just not nearly as many as there once seemed to be.
Most of us don't bother with IMC anymore though I still keep my mud connected to it for pchat (for my players) and inews for myself and my players, not that I have that many active players these days, but.. unfortunately, ichat's not usually worth even listening to for me anymore.

I did see that you'd dropped by yesterday and the day before and I did respond to you in case you dropped back by (each of my mud channels has a history log that you can view by entering the channel name by itself) but I've been busy the last couple of days running around trying to find a job because my wife lost her job the other day and while it had been covering our bills, it hadn't provided us any reserve so things are pretty desperate right now, instead of just really really tight, for us for a change. I've left my character logged in so that his triggers are available to anyone who logs on and wants/needs them though. ..and so I can more easily see what, if anything, I'd missed in my absence.

Sadly, I'd have to agree that most player bases these days are down to just small clusters of friends, but there are still a few players who don't know coders/admins running around too, just not nearly as many as there once seemed to be.


JoinedDec 16, 2010
Oh wow Conner I'm sorry to hear that
I did notice your mud seemed to have some massive latency problems and wondered what was going on...
Hope things pick up for you!
I think I'm going to go ahead with designing this game engine and see if people come. I think even a pbase of 10-15 people who are fun to talk to and
play with would be more rewarding than the thousands of mouthbreathers you run into on popular MMOs

Hope things pick up for you!
I think I'm going to go ahead with designing this game engine and see if people come. I think even a pbase of 10-15 people who are fun to talk to and
play with would be more rewarding than the thousands of mouthbreathers you run into on popular MMOs


JoinedMay 8, 2005
Thanks, I trust that faith & fate will get me through things when push comes to shove, so I expect something to work out for me shortly.
Unfortunately the latency is my own stubborness in refusing to move my game to someone else's hosting despite my having only satellite based internet ot here in farm country.
If you design it, you know at least a few will show up initially, if just to see what you have before they move on.
I generally agree, as satisfying as it might be to create a game that attracts thousands, there really is someting to be said for a game that's played by a handful of loyal regulars who have some common ground with you to help you and them remain entertained with each other's company.

Unfortunately the latency is my own stubborness in refusing to move my game to someone else's hosting despite my having only satellite based internet ot here in farm country.

If you design it, you know at least a few will show up initially, if just to see what you have before they move on.

I generally agree, as satisfying as it might be to create a game that attracts thousands, there really is someting to be said for a game that's played by a handful of loyal regulars who have some common ground with you to help you and them remain entertained with each other's company.


JoinedDec 16, 2010
Your profile is set to not accept incoming messages, so I can't reply to you =P
No areas titled Ockwater or Fens were in the archive, sorry!
Your profile is set to not accept incoming messages, so I can't reply to you =P
No areas titled Ockwater or Fens were in the archive, sorry!


JoinedMar 7, 2005
Dace said:
Your profile is set to not accept incoming messages, so I can't reply to you =P
No areas titled Ockwater or Fens were in the archive, sorry!

Forgot I had done that. Fixed now, I think!

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