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» SmaugMuds » Codebases » LoP Codebase » LoP1.39 Questions/Issues/Anom...
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LoP1.39 Questions/Issues/Anomalies + Suggestions?
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Post is unread #41 Mar 18, 2011 12:13 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

I'm fairly sure mixing is for salves.
So set the item to type salve then set up the values
You can see these by typing help values salve
V0 = Spell Level
V1 = Charges
V2 = Delay
V3 = Spell Number
V4 = Spell Number
V5 = Spell Number

Hope that helps :)

Post is unread #42 Mar 18, 2011 12:46 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Hello again:

Remcon, your right. Mixing is for salves, but when I try to mix a spell, with this three objects...

Name: mortero
Vnum: 21200
Type: 44[mortar]
Count: 1(2)
Short description : un mortero
Long description : un resistente mortero ha sido dejado aqui.
Desc : Not Set
Action description: Not Set
Wear flags : hold
Extra flags:
Index Programs:
Number: 1/1 Weight: 1/1 Layers: 0
Wear_loc: -1(Not Worn)
Cost: 100
Level: 0( 2) Strength: 0( 0) Intelligence: 0( 0)
Wisdom: 0( 0) Dexterity: 0( 0) Constitution: 0( 0)
Charisma: 0( 0) Luck: 0( 0)
Carried by: Ciras
Index Values : 10 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1.
Object Values: 10 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1.

Name: polvos especiales
Vnum: 21201
Type: 45[powder]
Count: 1(2)
Short description : unos polvos especiales
Long description : Unos curiosos polvos han sido tirados aqui.
Desc : Not Set
Action description: Not Set
Wear flags : hold
Extra flags:
Index Programs:
Number: 1/1 Weight: 1/1 Layers: 0
Wear_loc: -1(Not Worn)
Cost: 50
Level: 100( 2) Strength: 0( 0) Intelligence: 0( 0)
Wisdom: 0( 0) Dexterity: 0( 0) Constitution: 0( 0)
Charisma: 0( 0) Luck: 0( 0)
Carried by: Ciras
Index Values : -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1.
Object Values: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1.

Name: lata vacia
Vnum: 21202
Type: 40[salve]
Count: 1(1)
Short description : una lata vacia
Long description : Una lata vacia rueda por aqui.
Desc : Not Set
Action description: Not Set
Wear flags : hold
Extra flags: prototype
Index Programs:
Number: 1/1 Weight: 1/1 Layers: 0
Wear_loc: -1(Not Worn)
Cost: 75
Level: 100( 2) Strength: 0( 0) Intelligence: 0( 0)
Wisdom: 0( 0) Dexterity: 0( 0) Constitution: 0( 0)
Charisma: 0( 0) Luck: 0( 0)
Carried by: Ciras
Index Values : 5 5 10 108 95 32.
Object Values: 5 5 10 108 95 32.
Has 5(10) applications of level 5 spells.
Value 3 cast spell: sanctuary
Value 4 cast spell: poison
Value 5 cast spell: cure blindness

the command mix tells me:

You have no tin to use for mixing.

It's probably that I am doing something wrong, but in function do_mix puts that the skill needs a object type "tin" to work.

I'm sorry if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for all.

Post is unread #43 Mar 18, 2011 6:52 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

Name: lata vacia
Vnum: 21202
Type: 40[salve]
Count: 1(1)
Short description : una lata vacia
Long description : Una lata vacia rueda por aqui.
Desc : Not Set
Action description: Not Set
Wear flags : hold
Extra flags: prototype
Index Programs:
Number: 1/1 Weight: 1/1 Layers: 0
Wear_loc: -1(Not Worn)
Cost: 75
Level: 100( 2) Strength: 0( 0) Intelligence: 0( 0)
Wisdom: 0( 0) Dexterity: 0( 0) Constitution: 0( 0)
Charisma: 0( 0) Luck: 0( 0)
Carried by: Ciras
Index Values : 5 5 10 108 95 32.
Object Values: 5 5 10 108 95 32.
Has 5(10) applications of level 5 spells.
Value 3 cast spell: sanctuary
Value 4 cast spell: poison
Value 5 cast spell: cure blindness 

Those values are already being used so it will not consider it empty so you can't use it.
Set the v1 to -1 and the v3 v4 and v5 to -1 also and it should be good.

Post is unread #44 Mar 18, 2011 7:49 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010


Thanks Remcon, your right again.

Please, can you answer me another question?

Can you tell me how to do if I want to mix more than one spells in a salve? i think that it's a silly question, but I tried using "Mix sanctuary, fly, fireshield", "Mix sanctuary fly fireshield", and some different options but I can't find the correct form.

Thanks again for all.

Post is unread #45 Mar 18, 2011 8:16 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

Well it doesn't do them all at once. You use mix on it till you end up with three spells on it though if you want, can take awhile though lol.
So you would do it like this
mix sanctuary
mix fly
mix fireshield

Post is unread #46 Mar 18, 2011 9:18 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Hello again:

when I mix a sanctuary salve, for example, if I want to mix another spell in the same tin, tells me that I don't have a empty tin. So, I never can mix more than one spell in a salve. Any ideas?


Post is unread #47 Mar 19, 2011 10:10 am   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

It's been a long time since I did the code for it and I think I went two different ways on it. When I first created it, I had it so you did it once and it would give 1-3 spells randomly and then later I changed it to how it is now. So you could do more then one on it. I'll look in a bit and see what the issue is though and let you know something.

Post is unread #48 Mar 19, 2011 10:20 am   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

It looks like the problem is that it only lets you mix it if v1 is -1 and v1 is the number of charges so after you mix it the first time v1 is changed. So lets see I could make it just go by spells but don't want them able to just pick up pre-made salves and mix them lol. Could go with a tin type (easy enough to do) but once it is mixed it would need changed to a salve and then wouldn't be able to mix again. Could go back with the 1-3 spells randomly but that was a bit of a pain....Hmm, I could go with the way you were saying earlier in this topic about doing "mix " yea that is probably the best way to do it I think lol.

Post is unread #49 Mar 19, 2011 3:35 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Well, I think that I'll wait for the next release of LOP. It doesn't matter. :)

Thanks for all, Remcon.

Post is unread #50 Mar 19, 2011 6:59 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

Lol I was just thinking about doing another release anyways, looks like I already have quite a few things done for one. If you have noticed any other issues by all means let me know so i can work on them also.

Post is unread #51 Mar 20, 2011 10:58 am   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Hello Remcon:

I remember something that I think I've already told here.

when I try to write a note. When I try to put the field "To", I can't put "immortal", "avatar", or another thing different of "all". It always tell me that I have to put a name of a character.

If you can look it for the next release...

then, I thing that you can put a house system, and some skills like mine, forge, and skills to make equipment... It would be interesting.

then, an arena system it would be interesting too. but this is my opinion.

Post is unread #52 Mar 20, 2011 12:18 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

This is what I have so far for the next release (as of this posting anyways)
Removed can_learn_language, show_big_nums, toggle_bexit_flag, parse_bet, can_oedit, smush_tilde, save_all_chistorys, getcolor, show_hash.
   (These are no longer being used).
Removed sysdata.ident_retries.
   (Wasn't being used).
Modified sysdata.morph_opt.
   (Use to only save on shutdown, now will work like an autosave while setting morphs).
Added in so more stuff got renamed when changing names.
   (Added rename_clan_member, rename_council_member, rename_deity_worshipper).
Added in so names are removed more when the pfile is destroyed, player deletes, pfile cleaner deletes pfile.
   (Added in a remove_from_everything).
Made it so notes can be to non pfiles.
   (Use to allow only "all" or a valid pfile).
Modified placement of things here and there.
Fixed two possible leaks from fread_strings.
   (One in act_comm.c-(fread_phistory) and one in polymorph.c-(fread_morph)).
Added in more for nations in do_who.
Modified do_mix to fix it not allowing more then one spell to be mixed.
   (Now uses "mix <spell> [<spell>] [<spell>]";).
      (First one 100% success, Second 75% success, Third 50% success).
Added and Modified a few help files.

The part about the notes is already in there about midways.

I have seen a lot of those suggestions in snippet form already which is why I haven't put them in. If you try a snippet and find it to hard etc... let me know and I might try to help you out on it. Snippets are a great way to learn so I leave out some of the things there are snippets for so others have something to use to learn the code :). If the snippets are an extreme pain to get installed then I might add one custom and put in a future release.

Post is unread #53 Mar 20, 2011 2:12 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

All that is good looking.

About of snippets, i tried to add to the code of LOp 1.40, the nobility ranks snippet but it makes me a bug when I try to compile. the error is here:

const struct noble_titles noble_rank_table[] =
{"Serf ", "Serf ", "Serf " }
{"Serf ", "Serf ", "Serf " }
{"Peasent " ,"Peasent " ,"Peasent " }
{"Worker " ,"Worker " ,"Worker " }
{"Freeman " ,"Freeman " ,"Freewomen " }
{"Squire " ,"Squire " ,"Squire " }
{"Horseman " ,"Horseman " ,"Horsewomen " }
{"Knight " ,"Knight " ,"Knight "}
{"Adept " ,"Adept " ,"Adept " }
{"Militia " ,"Milita " ,"Militia " }
{"Legend " ,"Legend " ,"Legend " }
{"Lord " ,"Lord " , "Lady " }
{ "Viscount " ,"Viscount " ,"Lady " }
{ "Baronet " ,"Baronet " ,"Lady " }
{ "Count " ,"Count " ,"Countess " }
{ "Baron " ,"Baron " ,"Baroness " }
{ "Margrave " ,"Margrave " ,"Marchioness " }
{ "Duke " ,"Duke " ,"Duchess " }
{ "Arch Duke " ,"Arch Duke " ,"Duchess " }
{ "Prince " ,"Prince " ,"Princess " }
{ "King " ,"King " ,"Queen " }

the commpiler told me:

tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
tables.c:1123: error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
make[1]: *** [o/tables.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Antonio@Antonio-PC ~/lop/src

the line witch is wrong is this:


I'm trying to compile with Cygwin.

¿someone can explain me where is the problem?


Post is unread #54 Mar 20, 2011 4:24 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

look for
struct noble_titles
    char *title_of_rank[3];

change it to
struct noble_titles
    const char *title_of_rank[3];

Had to go look at the snippet to see lol.

Post is unread #55 Mar 20, 2011 6:45 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Thanks a lot Remcon. Sorry for forgetting it.

thanks again.

Post is unread #56 Mar 22, 2011 1:08 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Hello Remcon again,

I have seen the list of skills and spells witch LOP countains and I saw a skill witch makes the same thing of Mix but for pills. The skill is Concoct.

Some days ago, I told you that Mix don't work well because I tried to mix a spell, then another, but it doesn't work.

Now I've seen that Concoct works like you told me. First, you make a pill with a spell, and then, you can use the same pill for put another spell in. But the diference it's that pills have a v5 set as 1, you can concoct different spells in one pill. If you don't do that, you can't.

I think that Mix don't works like this, but I'm not sure. I'm going to see it. I'll tell you later if works like concoct or not.

Then, I would like to ask you something.

In AFKMUD 2.1.4 there is a skill for mining. Do you think that it would be very difficult for me to add this skill in LOP code?

Thanks for all.

Post is unread #57 Mar 22, 2011 1:27 pm   
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JoinedNov 22, 2010

Hello again,

Remcon, Mix doesn't work like Concoct. I thought that the v5 on salves works as a v5 for pills and I didn't see.

Sorry, I'm a little heavy.

Post is unread #58 Mar 22, 2011 8:27 pm   
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JoinedJul 26, 2005

Yea the v5 is one you put a spell on so can't use that to check the way it will be in the next release works nicely though from what testing i did on it. Haven't actually looked at it but it shouldn't be to bad just more or less depends on how in depth it is lol.

Post is unread #59 May 15, 2011 7:53 pm   
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JoinedDec 3, 2008

Is there a way for mortals to see a list of bank accounts they have access too?

Post is unread #60 May 15, 2011 8:05 pm   
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JoinedDec 3, 2008

Also how would I go about having it delete bank accounts if the owner of the account deletes their pfile?

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