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JoinedMar 16, 2024
A lot of the old info is disappearing from the internet for smaug1.4a.
I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to see what flags have been assigned to an object/mob or anything.
Something that would tell you what was previously added.
like on levers with the TFlags, it just changes index0 every time you add a tflag, but you can't see what was already added, or if they are just overwritten, the bits dont' match the value0 either.. so that gets confusing.
I'm working off of an old 1990s code base we refound and are working through.
There is a statue, it has a use_prog tied to its short name.
The statue is a furnature.
if you pull tongue statue it triggers the use_prog.. if you pull statue nothing happens.
There is nothing in the ostat or opstat that designate the "pull tongue statue" so it must be hidden in a flag..
How do i see these flags?!
A lot of the old info is disappearing from the internet for smaug1.4a.
I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to see what flags have been assigned to an object/mob or anything.
Something that would tell you what was previously added.
like on levers with the TFlags, it just changes index0 every time you add a tflag, but you can't see what was already added, or if they are just overwritten, the bits dont' match the value0 either.. so that gets confusing.
I'm working off of an old 1990s code base we refound and are working through.
There is a statue, it has a use_prog tied to its short name.
The statue is a furnature.
if you pull tongue statue it triggers the use_prog.. if you pull statue nothing happens.
There is nothing in the ostat or opstat that designate the "pull tongue statue" so it must be hidden in a flag..
How do i see these flags?!


JoinedMar 16, 2024
Figured out where it is in the files, but not how to see it or add it in game.. text editors ftw?
the sixth line down "pull tongue statue~"
is where the use command is... But how do you set that on the object inside the mud? Oset doesn't seem to address it.
#913 statue~ a statue~ Statue (pull tongue statue)~ ~ pull tongue statue~ 12 1073741824&2 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 E statue~ The statue is of carved from the same materials as the surrounding walls. It depicts a large troll shaman, his crude features chiselled into the stone with little skill or precision. Arcane symbols have been etched into its face and it's mouth hangs open exposing a mammoth tongue. ~ use_prog 100~ mpechoat $n You reach up and pull on the statue's tongue... mpechoaround $n $n reaches up towards the statues face and tug's on something. mpsleep 10 mpecho The mouth clamps shut suddenly! mpsleep 7 mpecho The statue slides aside, revealing an exit.
the sixth line down "pull tongue statue~"
is where the use command is... But how do you set that on the object inside the mud? Oset doesn't seem to address it.


JoinedMar 16, 2024
Figured it out
causes that.
Might be an old snippet or edit we had done? hmmm
finding old 1990s mud to work on and forgetting what you did to it... priceless
causes that.
Might be an old snippet or edit we had done? hmmm
finding old 1990s mud to work on and forgetting what you did to it... priceless
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