Ship Prototype Cheatsheet
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#1 May 2, 2011 8:15 am
JoinedMay 2, 2011
I wrote this up a few years ago while I was setting up about 50+ ships for a game I was running. Game is gone, but I still have the proto files and this guy.
Ship Classes
1 Starfighter
2 Bomber
3 Shuttle
4 Freighter
5 Frigate
6 Troop Transport
7 Corvette
8 Cruiser
9 Dreadnaught
10 Star Destroyer
11 Space Station
12 Land Vehicle
Weapon Types
1 Single-Laser Cannon
2 Dual-Laser Cannon
3 Triple-Laser Cannon
4 Quad-Laser Cannon
5 Autoblaster Turret
6 Heavy Laser Cannon
7 Light Ion Cannon
8 Repeating Ion Cannon
9 Heavy Ion Cannon
Room Types
Hanger 1
Hanger 2
Hanger 3
Hanger 4
Engine Room
Pilot Seat
Co-Pilot Seat
Navigator Seat
Gunner's Seat
Turret 1
Turret 2
Turret 3
Turret 4
Turret 5
Turret 6
Turret 7
Turret 8
Turret 9
Turret 10
Null Room
#HEADER Name Name of the Ship Sname Short Name (3 letters)~ NumRooms How many rooms will this ship take up Cost How much does the ship cost Class The style of the ship (see below) Tractor 1 is yes, 2 is no primaryType The type of primary beam weapon (see below) primaryCount How many of the primary weapon are available secondaryType The type of secondary beam weapon (see below) secondaryCount How many of the secondary weapon are available RangeWeapons0 How many Missiles are in the tubes. RangeWeapons1 How many Torpedos are in the tubes. RangeWeapons2 How many Rockets are in the tubes. Hull outer strength of the ship, at 0 it will explode in space. Shields power of the shields (similar to hull) Energy Speed + Manuever + Shields x (fighters-5 / midships-10 / capitals / 20) Chaff How much chaff does the ship have. Maxbombs Number of planet bombs (for clans only mostly) Speed number from 15 for capitals to 100 for ultra-fast ships. Hyperspeed 3- average, 2 fast, 1- ludicrous Manuever Ships Manueverability Turrets Does the ship have turrets (must have a room for them below) Mods No. of modules the ship can hold. Clan Specific Clan (Their Full Name)~ End #ROOMS #ROOM RoomNum The Room No (starts with 1) Name The Ships's Name~ Desc The Description they see when they look.~ Flags indoors spacecraft nomob~ Tunnel No. of people allowed in this room. Exits0 Exit going North Exits1 Exit going East Exits2 Exit going South Exits3 Exit going West Exits4 Exit going Up Exits5 Exit going Down Exits6 Exit going NE Exits7 Exit going NW Exits8 Exit going SE Exits9 Exit going SW Exflags0 0 (The Exflags here are in the directions listed above. You will need to put the numerical data here, not the flag names.) Exflags1 0 Exflags2 0 Exflags3 0 Exflags4 0 Exflags5 0 Exflags6 0 Exflags7 0 Exflags8 0 Exflags9 0 Keys0 0 (Resist the urge to use keys. Ships don't make objects so these wouldn't work well) Keys1 0 Keys2 0 Keys3 0 Keys4 0 Keys5 0 Keys6 0 Keys7 0 Keys8 0 Keys9 0 RoomType This defines the type of room this is in the ship. (see below) Rprog0 ~ (Rprogs in this case are just a list of room programs. These may be very fun if you play them right) Rprog1 ~ Rprog2 ~ Rprog3 ~ Rprog4 ~ Rprog5 ~ Rprog6 ~ Rprog7 ~ Rprog8 ~ Rprog9 ~ Reset0 ~ (Again, avoid using these if you can. Though they may be fun for a small shop on a larger ship.) Reset1 ~ Reset2 ~ Reset3 ~ Reset4 ~ Reset5 ~ Reset6 ~ Reset7 ~ Reset8 ~ Reset9 ~ End #ENDROOMS #END
Ship Classes
1 Starfighter
2 Bomber
3 Shuttle
4 Freighter
5 Frigate
6 Troop Transport
7 Corvette
8 Cruiser
9 Dreadnaught
10 Star Destroyer
11 Space Station
12 Land Vehicle
Weapon Types
1 Single-Laser Cannon
2 Dual-Laser Cannon
3 Triple-Laser Cannon
4 Quad-Laser Cannon
5 Autoblaster Turret
6 Heavy Laser Cannon
7 Light Ion Cannon
8 Repeating Ion Cannon
9 Heavy Ion Cannon
Room Types
Hanger 1
Hanger 2
Hanger 3
Hanger 4
Engine Room
Pilot Seat
Co-Pilot Seat
Navigator Seat
Gunner's Seat
Turret 1
Turret 2
Turret 3
Turret 4
Turret 5
Turret 6
Turret 7
Turret 8
Turret 9
Turret 10
Null Room
#2 May 2, 2011 4:21 pm
JoinedJun 13, 2008
Hey, thanks for posting this. I'm sure a lot of people will find this helpful. I know I did in years past, just wish I grabbed a copy.
As to keys in shipfiles you can use it, but you have to be careful. The key is tied to the roomvnum (if I remember right).
Example key structure (I hope been a while so going from memory)
The room that would be using the key is:
NOTE: The above creates a key assigned to the object part of shipvnum.are where room4 is stored. So, if the ship took up vnums 1 - 30, vnum4 would have room data and obj data. An imm at that point would need to oinv to create the key and give to a player.
But its a lot more trouble than its worth IMO.
The list of roomtypes Gage posted above starts at 1 and works its way to 22. So, keep that in mind, as far as I know you can't just define a room as 'entrance', it would have to have a numeric value of 2.
Roomtype of 22 (null room) is your standard corridor/captains bunk/whatever - no windows, no special abilites must be used for all rooms not listed above.
For all you shipbuilders out there I suggest you take a look at a 1 room ship, a 2 room ship and then something like the stock yt-1300 and see how it works.
Good luck,
As to keys in shipfiles you can use it, but you have to be careful. The key is tied to the roomvnum (if I remember right).
Example key structure (I hope been a while so going from memory)
#KEYS #KEY KeyNum 1 Name access key~ Desc The access key to $SN$.~ Shortdesc The access key to $SN$.~ End #ENDKEYS
The room that would be using the key is:
#ROOM RoomNum 4 Name A Small Cross Way~ Desc To the south, the entrance. The west, a loud noise and a good smell. To the north, another hallway. To the east, ah who cares about the east. Maybe you should go explore it.~ Flags indoors spacecraft nomob prototype~ Tunnel 315 Exits0 3 Exits1 6 Exits2 5 Exits3 9 Exits4 0 Exits5 0 Exits6 0 Exits7 0 Exits8 0 Exits9 0 Exflags0 0 Exflags1 0 Exflags2 8389671 Exflags3 0 Exflags4 0 Exflags5 0 Exflags6 0 Exflags7 0 Exflags8 0 Exflags9 0 Keys0 0 Keys1 0 Keys2 1 Keys3 0 Keys4 0 Keys5 0 Keys6 0 Keys7 0 Keys8 0 Keys9 0 RoomType 22 Rprog0 ~ Rprog1 ~ Rprog2 ~ Rprog3 ~ Rprog4 ~ Rprog5 ~ Rprog6 ~ Rprog7 ~ Rprog8 ~ Rprog9 ~ Reset0 ~ Reset1 ~ Reset2 ~ Reset3 ~ Reset4 ~ Reset5 ~ Reset6 ~ Reset7 ~ Reset8 ~ Reset9 ~ End
NOTE: The above creates a key assigned to the object part of shipvnum.are where room4 is stored. So, if the ship took up vnums 1 - 30, vnum4 would have room data and obj data. An imm at that point would need to oinv
But its a lot more trouble than its worth IMO.
The list of roomtypes Gage posted above starts at 1 and works its way to 22. So, keep that in mind, as far as I know you can't just define a room as 'entrance', it would have to have a numeric value of 2.
Roomtype of 22 (null room) is your standard corridor/captains bunk/whatever - no windows, no special abilites must be used for all rooms not listed above.
For all you shipbuilders out there I suggest you take a look at a 1 room ship, a 2 room ship and then something like the stock yt-1300 and see how it works.
Good luck,
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