
JoinedFeb 18, 2010
I was directed here from MUDbytes.org trying to find a decent code base to start my MUD from. Though AFKmud has alot of stuff I would like for my own game, it looks as if it isnt released anymore while smaugFUSS is updated more but more of bareboned.
A little about my game.
Its a post apocolypitic game, based after a war had broken loose on earth destroying all of mankind. JUst to keep it simple, trying to stay away from the fantasy themed and maybe go a bit more sci fi/horror.
Just wanted to have some input from the people who would know these codebases best. :D
thanks for your help.
EDIT: Also I forgot to mention that im using a windows based computer and have little experence with linux... I know VB6 and learning C series ... slowly
A little about my game.
Its a post apocolypitic game, based after a war had broken loose on earth destroying all of mankind. JUst to keep it simple, trying to stay away from the fantasy themed and maybe go a bit more sci fi/horror.
Just wanted to have some input from the people who would know these codebases best. :D
thanks for your help.
EDIT: Also I forgot to mention that im using a windows based computer and have little experence with linux... I know VB6 and learning C series ... slowly


JoinedJul 26, 2005
AFKmud is still released and maintained, just it probably is limited to mainly bug fixes etc... It is done in C and C++.
SmaugFUSS is good but compared to AFKmud it is lacking a ton of features. It is done in C.
I guess it all comes down to what features you want. Some of the stuff that comes in AFKmud is a pain to add. But if you prefer to manually add them to SmaugFUSS it will give you a chance to learn how everything works etc... Also take into consideration that a lot of stuff you will find in AFKmud probably isn't going to be found as a snippet anywhere anyways.
Best of luck in whatever base you choose to use for starting a mud.
SmaugFUSS is good but compared to AFKmud it is lacking a ton of features. It is done in C.
I guess it all comes down to what features you want. Some of the stuff that comes in AFKmud is a pain to add. But if you prefer to manually add them to SmaugFUSS it will give you a chance to learn how everything works etc... Also take into consideration that a lot of stuff you will find in AFKmud probably isn't going to be found as a snippet anywhere anyways.
Best of luck in whatever base you choose to use for starting a mud.


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
IS there any decent guides for setting up and running on a windows PC? I found the one for cygwin but it does not like to work gets stuck at the first line lol any other ways to do this?


JoinedJul 26, 2005
Well I understand there is also andlinux although I haven't messed with it much, I normally use cygwin. You will have to tell us what it shows for us to be of much assistance on that one.

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
SmaugFUSS (and either of the other two FUSS bases) compile as C++ but don't, as of yet, use any of the STL features. But they do make use of operator overloading, and a couple other C++ features.
As for picking one over the other, it would depend on how well you know C++ over C. How much you're willing to learn, and how much you're willing to rip out, etc.
As for picking one over the other, it would depend on how well you know C++ over C. How much you're willing to learn, and how much you're willing to rip out, etc.


JoinedMar 8, 2005
As always, when the topic of windows/cygwin/etc comes up, I suggest using a real VM so your game is running in an actual linux environment. You can download several different linux VM's from http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/
There are other sites as well, that's just the one I've tried in the past. The images all work under the free VMware player.
There are other sites as well, that's just the one I've tried in the past. The images all work under the free VMware player.

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
My recommendation is to use andLinux. It works the same as any other VM, with the exception of it always being on. It's relatively simple to use and is Debian based. It even lets you work with Kate in windows!


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
I finally got cygwin to find my files, i though it had to be under c: like one tut said but after finding another one i realised it had to be under the cygwin folder in home DUH.
So I got it directed to the src folder and when I enter make all i get is
that same error all the way down the -rdynamics one.
So I got it directed to the src folder and when I enter make all i get is

that same error all the way down the -rdynamics one.


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
I found this linux OS called Ubuntu online, would it be easier to us that to mess with the mud that windows? IF so what would i need to do to use it?


JoinedJan 29, 2007
As I said on the MB forums,
I'm repeating it here so that the question doesn't go unanswered for those who frequent SF but not MB.
I said:
Yes. Or Fedora, or Debian (Ubuntu's "parent"), or AndLinux (which runs directly on Windows and is therefore easier to play with), or any number of other Linux distributions, really. I use Ubuntu myself (as a desktop OS too, for that matter). Several people run Linux in virtual machines.
I'm repeating it here so that the question doesn't go unanswered for those who frequent SF but not MB.


JoinedMay 21, 2006
I use Ubuntu on my linode shell and have never had a problem with running any muds on it. I've ran AFKmud and SmaugFuss on it. I like the ease of use for nix beginners (such as myself).


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
Finally got in compiled under cygwin and im really favoring afkmud for the reason it has more features I currenly am wanted, trying to find a guide on editing rooms/mobiles/items/spells etc etc. I did find a area editor but it dont seem compatible with the current version of afkmud or SF. Still debaiting about what to use, seems SF is more bugfree that AFK but afk has more features.... ohh what to do :p

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
If you're extremely careful, most of the extra features of AFKMud can be ported to a SmaugFUSS base fairly easily. And several of them are already released as snippets. Although the snippets are probably in need of an update since the constness fixes went into place.

Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
Also, as for a building guide: http://www.realmsofdespair.com/smaug/herne/smaug.html Nothing beats Herne's!
However, one thing you need to take into account is that the guide is written for Realms of Despair, and some of the stuff they have implemented MAY NOT be in SmaugFUSS, simply because it was never publicly released.
However, one thing you need to take into account is that the guide is written for Realms of Despair, and some of the stuff they have implemented MAY NOT be in SmaugFUSS, simply because it was never publicly released.


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
That guide was very helpful though trying to create a room is a bit diffucult.
First it says to assign the vnum to a person by
rassign Unrivaledneo 200 250 --- I get a HUH? message after this, tried the help rassign file and says im doing it right even tried caps and all, so anyway i kept reading and it says to create a room just goto it first so I goto 200 and get the message room doesnt exist so well that sucks lol.
Looking around the files i dont see a command that tells you what vnum are assign to what players, would be helpful
First it says to assign the vnum to a person by
rassign Unrivaledneo 200 250 --- I get a HUH? message after this, tried the help rassign file and says im doing it right even tried caps and all, so anyway i kept reading and it says to create a room just goto it first so I goto 200 and get the message room doesnt exist so well that sucks lol.
Looking around the files i dont see a command that tells you what vnum are assign to what players, would be helpful


JoinedMay 21, 2006
vassign is what you need. rassign, massign, and oassign have been taken out. vassign assigns it all now.
zones or vnums is the command you need. I think vnums is the correct one.
zones or vnums is the command you need. I think vnums is the correct one.


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
ah ok hehe, well I plan on making a PDF to help well myself and other new players like myself is anyone has anything to change or add looking through the guide i guess alot have been taken out, is there a command in game to give u all the latest OLC commands?


JoinedMay 21, 2006
There's really no 'one command' except to raise the level of the builder OR bestow the commands to them. OR you can lower the level of the command using cedit command level ###.


JoinedFeb 18, 2010
what about with snippets? FOund a few id like to test out like the overland for example but some of them dont have a set instruction on how to put them in....(I dont C...yet)


JoinedJan 24, 2008
Overland will prove to be a bit difficult to get into SMAUG if you do not know any C. It's quite a large overhaul.
What other snippets are you looking at?
What other snippets are you looking at?