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» SmaugMuds » General » Building » Updating existing Areas
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Updating existing Areas
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Post is unread #1 May 7, 2009 2:21 pm   Last edited May 7, 2009 5:54 pm by Hanaisse
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JoinedNov 25, 2007

I feel like a complete noob asking this question but it's my first attempt at building in SmaugFUSS 1.9. (Life was so much simpler in 1.4a and Nick's Area Editor).

I can't figure out how to update an existing area to create new rooms. I was able to update the hi and low vnums for the area, then I bestowed the area to myself, but it won't let me goto any vnum within the new range. Vassign gives me 'That vnum range conflicts with another area.' error.

Can someone walk me through a process in simple terms?

Thank you,

EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. Forgot about aassign

But seriously folks, I'd give my first born for an offline area editor like Nick's to work for SmaugFUSS :biggrin:

Post is unread #2 May 7, 2009 11:35 pm   
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JoinedMar 5, 2005


You can create areas using Area Editor and put them in FUSS.

Post is unread #3 May 7, 2009 11:57 pm   
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Black Hand
JoinedJan 1, 2002

With the understanding that if you then load that area in-game and save it in the OLC you can't then load it in Area Editor again.

Post is unread #4 May 8, 2009 2:38 pm   
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JoinedNov 25, 2007

Yeah, I was aware of that.

What if I added an old format area and never saved it? What's the worse that would happen?

Post is unread #5 May 8, 2009 7:12 pm   
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Black Hand
JoinedJan 1, 2002

Nothing, unless for some reason it can't read the file because of some corner case I haven't accounted for. Once loaded the areas all behave the same.

Post is unread #6 May 9, 2009 7:35 pm   
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JoinedMar 8, 2005

It's been ages since I've even looked at any kind of area editor (/usr/bin/vim tinyworld.wld works for me!), but I remember at least a couple of them using config files to describe the world file format (IE: flags and such). Maybe there's one that can be configured to work with SmaugFUSS?

If not, maybe there's one that's written in C++/C that you could replace the area loading and saving code with the actual routines from SmaugFUSS?

It'd doesn't seem impossible, anyways.

Post is unread #7 Jun 7, 2010 12:03 pm   
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JoinedMay 6, 2010

My understanding of what I'm reading here is that an area built for smaug 1.4a should be able to be loaded on FUSS 1.9. Doesn't seem to be working for me however. I've tried about 35 areas from the 1.4a area files here and every single one of them runs into issues immediately after the room descriptions. fread_number is attempted on a ~ which causes it to fail.

Am I misunderstanding something on what needs to be done? I put the area file in the area folder and added the filename to the area list. I've also attempted creating an area using the area editor by Nick Gammon to create a test area and that fails as well.

Post is unread #8 Jun 7, 2010 2:42 pm   
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Black Hand
JoinedJan 1, 2002

Would need to see the log messages, and possibly ask you for a copy of the area file so it can be tested. Stock 1.4a areas are supposed to load fine. It may not be a perfect conversion, but it isn't supposed to crash the game either.

Post is unread #9 Jun 7, 2010 4:40 pm   
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JoinedMay 6, 2010

The area files are all straight from the files section on this site and the errors are occurring in essentially the exact same place: first room, third ~ after the room description.
Here's the bit from the log:
Sun Jun  6 23:24:09 2010 :: [*****] BUG: Fread_number: bad format. (~)
Sun Jun  6 23:24:09 2010 :: [*****] FILE: pillars.are LINE: 1385

Pillars.are is the Hidden Worlds of the Portal Stones area.

Line 1385 is the ~ right above 0 -1 106001
Southern gate of Highmoon~
If it wasn't for the enormous tower reaching up at the clouds, you
would have walked past this city without noticing it. The forest 
complete blocks vision of the walls, that are covered with all 
sorts of vines and flowers.  You take a deep breath and smell the 
forest, mixed with the fragrance of freshly baked bread and sweet 
elven wine coming from inside the gate.
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 106001

Post is unread #10 Jun 8, 2010 3:26 pm   
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Black Hand
JoinedJan 1, 2002

I'll have a look at that when I get a chance then. Tilde stuff is fairly annoying to sort through.

Post is unread #11 Jun 8, 2010 7:24 pm   
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JoinedMay 6, 2010

No need, thanks. Managed to find the problem - self-inflicted as usual.
Was trying to read plane data from the room when it doesn't exist in the new areas.

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