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AFKMud 2.2.3
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AFKMud 1.60
Author Submitted by Version D/L File Size Date Added Last Updated

AFKMud Team Samson 771 1.83 MB Dec 26, 2006

New stuff this release:

Added Xorith's forum style board system to replace standard system. [Samson/Xorith]
Added Garil's mudmsg system and integrated with dynamic channel code. [Samson]
Added Xorith's connhist snippet. [Samson/Xorith]
Added stralloc_printf and strdup_printf functions. [Samson]
Added buffer_printf function. [Samson]
Added log_printf_plus function. [Samson]
Added act_printf and echo_all_printf functions. [Samson]
Added mudstrlcpy and mudstrlcat for string copying. [Samson]
Added cmdf and funcf for executing commands. [Samson]
Added a command to delete whole areas. [Samson]

Bugfixes this release:

All changes for Intermud-3 2.31 Client included. [Samson]
mphate, mphunt, mpfear were using sh_int for vnum checks. [Samson]
Several STRALLOC( "" ) and str_dup( "" ) calls removed. Wasting memory. [Samson]
Hardcoded position check in do_drag fixed. [Samson]
Some hardcoded level checks found and fixed. [Samson]
No is_number check performed in do_forceclose. [Samson]
Several immortal commands were not using get_char_world. [Samson]
Restore command was taking away hunger/thirst immunity. [Samson]
Several memory leak scenarios fixed in polymorph.c. [Samson]
Crash bug in channel history fixed. [Remcon]
Memory leaks in liquids code fixed. [Samson]
String hashing code uses calloc to stop junk string data. [Samson]
Prompt was still using hardcoded time of day. [Samson]
Hardcoded supermob vnum check in do_mppurge fixed. [Samson]
Fixed memory leaks in close_area. [Samson]
Misused variable assignment found in hotboot.c. [Samson]
Corrected an improper variable usage in check_skill and check_ability. [Samson]
Memory leak in do_destroyslay caught and fixed. [Samson]
Memory leak in delete_mob and free_char caught and fixed. [Samson]
Memory leak in remove_Sale caught and fixed. [Samson]
Memory leak in pfile pruner caught and fixed. [Samson]

Non-Bugfix alterations:

MAJOR: Converted the code to compile in g++ [Samson]
MAJOR: Complete overhaul of all uses of flag macros for consistency. [Samson]
MAJOR: Complete overhaul of all uses of one_argument to trim waste. [Samson]
MAJOR: Complete removal of all calls to the following:
pager_printf_color, ch_printf_color, send_to_char_color, send_to_pager_color [Tarl]

MAJOR: MAX_INPUT_LENGTH and MAX_STRING_LENGTH globally replaced with MIL and MSL. [Quixadhal]
MAJOR: All calls to sprintf changed to snprintf. [Samson/Quixadhal]
MAJOR: Most calls to strcpy changed to mudstrlcpy. [Samson/Quixadhal]
MAJOR: Most calls to strcat changed to mudstrlcat. [Samson/Quixadhal]
MAJOR: Macro defines for DO_FUN, SPELL_FUN, and SPEC_FUN reworked. [Samson]

Wrote several new memory free'ing functions to help consolidate memory cleanup. [Samson]
-Wnested-externs removed from Makefile. Will not work in g++. [Samson]
Machine tag in Makefile set back to Athlon instead of AthlonXP. [Samson]
Removed do_loadarea, changes have made it obsolete. [Samson]
Removed the afk.c file and dispersed the functions to other files. [Samson]
Removed starmap.c and moved the contents to act_info.c [Samson]
Removed the scramble function and related #ifdef sections. [Samson]
Removed some unused editor substates. [Samson]
pets.c file consolidated into part of player.c [Samson]
Consolidated mccp.c, msp.c and mxp.c into features.c [Samson]
Calls to can_omodify, can_mmodify, and can_rmodify consolidated. [Samson]
Removed references to BAN_SITE. No longer used. [Samson]
Reorganized do_mset to separate NPC-only edits better. [Samson]
do_showweather reformatted to be far less ugly looking. [Samson]
Charmies command lists more information for global search. [Samson]
Morph optimization routine removed. Was next to useless. [Samson]
set_cur_char function removed. [Samson]
cur_char, and cur_char_died global variables and related checks removed. [Samson]
title_table entries switched to hashed strings to save memory. [Samson]
Aliases switched to hashed strings to save memory. [Samson]
Channel names switched to non-hashed strings to save hash space. [Samson]
Rank string switched to hashed to save memory. [Samson]
Moved KEY macro to mud.h [Samson]
Channel names can be shortcutted to some degree now. [Samson]
Consolidated all deity favor related changes to adjust_favor. [Samson]
Removed the unused can_oedit function. [Samson]
Removed the obsoleted do_mppkset function. [Samson]
Show command defaults to area PC is in if no arguments are provided. [Samson]
Streamlined the loading of overland continents. [Samson]
bug() has been enhanced to output the backtrace data for what triggered it. [Samson]
Quotes files consolidated and made OLC'able. [Samson]
Removed all the redundant area sort lists. [Samson]
Prototype zones will now load at bootup like others. [Samson]
Added AFLAG_PROTOTYPE to mark builder zones. [Samson]
Eliminated the now unused area status flags. [Samson]
Hotboot command no longer saves modified zones. [Samson]
Consolidated close_area to call delete_room/mob/obj as needed. [Samson]
Consolidated cleanup_memory to call close_area to deallocate area data. [Samson]
Separated say history update into its own function. [Samson]

Revisions: 0
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