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Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
Bug: Misspelled arguments for bank command.
Danger: Trivial - Annoyance. Misspelled words are annoying. Especially when they impede the use of a command.
Found by: Caius
Fixed by: Kayle
misc.c, do_bank
Replace the whole thing with:
Easier than trying to make a code block for each of the changes.
Danger: Trivial - Annoyance. Misspelled words are annoying. Especially when they impede the use of a command.
Found by: Caius
Fixed by: Kayle
misc.c, do_bank
Replace the whole thing with:
void do_bank( CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument ) { char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; long amount = 0; argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 ); argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 ); if( IS_NPC( ch ) || !ch->pcdata ) return; if( !ch->in_room || !IS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_BANK ) ) { send_to_char( "You must be in a bank to do that!\r\n", ch ); return; } if( arg1[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char( "Usage: BANK <deposit|withdraw|balance> [amount]\r\n", ch ); return; } if( arg2[0] != '\0' ) amount = atoi( arg2 ); if( !str_prefix( arg1, "deposit" ) ) { if( amount <= 0 ) { send_to_char( "You may only deposit amounts greater than zero.\r\n", ch ); do_bank( ch, "" ); return; } if( ch->gold < amount ) { send_to_char( "You don't have that many credits on you.\r\n", ch ); return; } ch->gold -= amount; ch->pcdata->bank += amount; ch_printf( ch, "You deposit %ld credits into your account.\r\n", amount ); return; } else if( !str_prefix( arg1, "withdraw" ) ) { if( amount <= 0 ) { send_to_char( "You may only withdraw amounts greater than zero.\r\n", ch ); do_bank( ch, "" ); return; } if( ch->pcdata->bank < amount ) { send_to_char( "You don't have that many credits in your account.\r\n", ch ); return; } ch->gold += amount; ch->pcdata->bank -= amount; ch_printf( ch, "You withdraw %ld credits from your account.\r\n", amount ); return; } else if( !str_prefix( arg1, "balance" ) ) { ch_printf( ch, "You have %ld credits in your account.\r\n", ch->pcdata->bank ); return; } else { do_bank( ch, "" ); return; } }
Easier than trying to make a code block for each of the changes.
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