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Black Hand

JoinedJan 1, 2002
Please don't delete content from your threads like that. Other people might have had a similar situation and could have benefited from the solution you found.


JoinedAug 28, 2016
I am sorry... I will repost it here...
I was trying to add a mobprog to an object and was adding a wear prog and I had put the syntax as
mppractice $N fireball 100
and it wasn't working
the solution was
mppractice $n fireball 100
The "n" should have been lowercase. apologies for the edit
I was trying to add a mobprog to an object and was adding a wear prog and I had put the syntax as
mppractice $N fireball 100
and it wasn't working
the solution was
mppractice $n fireball 100
The "n" should have been lowercase. apologies for the edit
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