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JoinedJan 8, 2010
Just thought since I expect I'll be frequenting these forums I'd give myself a little introduction:
Im an engineering student from Scotland. When I'm not tinkering with MUD's I enjoy Eve and Runes of Magic.
I have been mudding since... god knows when. I was brought into the world of mudding through a free shell account I subscribed for at where I discovered a "text based RPG" under the games section; whisking me away into a world of blinding colours and head spinning text. I was instantly intrigued and hooked. The MUD was an early ResortMUD codebase heavily worked on by a chap known as Fellon. I played there for a number of years, following their decision to move away from which ultimately lead to a decay in players and eventually much to my horror the server died. I then ventured round various other MUD's, but never settled down into another to call my home. I then joined a project known as IahMUD as a builder where I fashioned a number of areas; during this time I also began tampering with local copies of the early SMAUG and Resort codebases. IahMUD a number of years of slow development then merged into another MUD again to be hosted upon The project began heading in a direction I didnt believe was a good one and have since been working locally upon my own codebase, based off of SmaugFUSS. I have a strong idea conceptually how I want the MUD to work and have been thoroughly enjoying building it so far.
Im an engineering student from Scotland. When I'm not tinkering with MUD's I enjoy Eve and Runes of Magic.
I have been mudding since... god knows when. I was brought into the world of mudding through a free shell account I subscribed for at where I discovered a "text based RPG" under the games section; whisking me away into a world of blinding colours and head spinning text. I was instantly intrigued and hooked. The MUD was an early ResortMUD codebase heavily worked on by a chap known as Fellon. I played there for a number of years, following their decision to move away from which ultimately lead to a decay in players and eventually much to my horror the server died. I then ventured round various other MUD's, but never settled down into another to call my home. I then joined a project known as IahMUD as a builder where I fashioned a number of areas; during this time I also began tampering with local copies of the early SMAUG and Resort codebases. IahMUD a number of years of slow development then merged into another MUD again to be hosted upon The project began heading in a direction I didnt believe was a good one and have since been working locally upon my own codebase, based off of SmaugFUSS. I have a strong idea conceptually how I want the MUD to work and have been thoroughly enjoying building it so far.


JoinedNov 25, 2007
Welcome Atami.
Best of luck on your project.

Best of luck on your project.
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