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Off the Edge of the Map

JoinedMar 21, 2006
So this isn't really a bug. It's more an update for compliance with the newest incarnation of gcc. So here goes.
imc.c, imc_send_social
And further down,
Build.c, edit_buffer
Replace with:
Color.c, send_to_desc_color
Color.c, send_to_char_color
Color.c, send_to_pager_color
mud_comm.c, get_color
Shops.c, get_cost
char *imc_mudof( const char *src ) { static char mud[SMST]; char *person; if( !( person = strchr( src, '@' ) ) ) imcstrlcpy( mud, src, SMST ); else imcstrlcpy( mud, person + 1, SMST ); return mud; }
char *imc_mudof( const char *src ) { static char mud[SMST]; const char *person; if( !( person = strchr( src, '@' ) ) ) imcstrlcpy( mud, src, SMST ); else imcstrlcpy( mud, person + 1, SMST ); return mud; }
imc.c, imc_send_social
CHAR_DATA *skeleton = NULL; char *ps; char socbuf[LGST], msg[LGST];
CHAR_DATA *skeleton = NULL; const char *ps; char socbuf[LGST], msg[LGST], tmp[SMST];
And further down,
ps[0] = '\0'; imcstrlcpy( mud, ps + 1, SMST );
imcstrlcpy( tmp, ps, SMST ); snprintf( mud, SMST, "%s", tmp );
Build.c, edit_buffer
Replace with:
void edit_buffer( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument ) { DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d; EDITOR_DATA *edit; char cmd[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; const int max_buf_lines = 60; short x, line; bool save; if( ( d = ch->desc ) == NULL ) { send_to_char( "You have no descriptor.\r\n", ch ); return; } if( d->connected != CON_EDITING ) { send_to_char( "You can't do that!\r\n", ch ); bug( "%s: d->connected != CON_EDITING", __FUNCTION__ ); return; } if( ch->substate <= SUB_PAUSE ) { send_to_char( "You can't do that!\r\n", ch ); bug( "%s: illegal ch->substate (%d)", __FUNCTION__, ch->substate ); d->connected = CON_PLAYING; return; } if( !ch->editor ) { send_to_char( "You can't do that!\r\n", ch ); bug( "%s: null editor", __FUNCTION__ ); d->connected = CON_PLAYING; return; } edit = ch->editor; save = FALSE; if( argument[0] == '/' || argument[0] == '\\' ) { one_argument( argument, cmd ); if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "?" ) ) { send_to_char( "Editing commands\r\n---------------------------------\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/l list buffer\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/c clear buffer\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/d [line] delete line\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/g <line> goto line\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/i <line> insert line\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/f <format> format text in buffer\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/r <old> <new> global replace\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/a abort editing\r\n", ch ); if( get_trust( ch ) > LEVEL_IMMORTAL ) send_to_char( "/! <command> execute command (do not use another editing command)\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "/s save buffer\r\n\r\n> ", ch ); return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "c" ) ) { memset( edit, '\0', sizeof( EDITOR_DATA ) ); edit->numlines = 0; edit->on_line = 0; send_to_char( "Buffer cleared.\r\n> ", ch ); return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "r" ) ) { char word1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char word2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; const char *sptr; char *wptr, *lwptr; int count, wordln, word2ln, lineln; sptr = one_argument( argument, word1 ); sptr = one_argument( sptr, word1 ); sptr = one_argument( sptr, word2 ); if( word1[0] == '\0' || word2[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char( "Need word to replace, and replacement.\r\n> ", ch ); return; } if( strcmp( word1, word2 ) == 0 ) { send_to_char( "Done.\r\n> ", ch ); return; } count = 0; wordln = strlen( word1 ); word2ln = strlen( word2 ); ch_printf( ch, "Replacing all occurrences of %s with %s...\r\n", word1, word2 ); for( x = 0; x < edit->numlines; x++ ) { lwptr = edit->line[x]; while( ( wptr = strstr( lwptr, word1 ) ) != NULL ) { ++count; lineln = snprintf( buf, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH, "%s%s", word2, wptr + wordln ); if( lineln + wptr - edit->line[x] > 79 ) buf[lineln] = '\0'; mudstrlcpy( wptr, buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); lwptr = wptr + word2ln; } } ch_printf( ch, "Found and replaced %d occurrence(s).\r\n> ", count ); return; } /* * added format command - shogar * * This has been redone to be more efficient, and to make format * start at beginning of buffer, not whatever line you happened * to be on, at the time. */ if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "f" ) ) { char temp_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + max_buf_lines]; int ep, old_p, end_mark; int p = 0; pager_printf( ch, "Reformating...\r\n" ); for( x = 0; x < edit->numlines; x++ ) { strncpy( temp_buf + p, edit->line[x], MAX_STRING_LENGTH + max_buf_lines - p ); p += strlen( edit->line[x] ); temp_buf[p] = ' '; p++; } temp_buf[p] = '\0'; end_mark = p; p = 75; old_p = 0; edit->on_line = 0; edit->numlines = 0; while( old_p < end_mark ) { while( temp_buf[p] != ' ' && p > old_p ) p--; if( p == old_p ) p += 75; if( p > end_mark ) p = end_mark; ep = 0; for( x = old_p; x < p; x++ ) { edit->line[edit->on_line][ep] = temp_buf[x]; ep++; } edit->line[edit->on_line][ep] = '\0'; edit->on_line++; edit->numlines++; old_p = p + 1; p += 75; } pager_printf( ch, "Reformating done.\r\n> " ); return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "i" ) ) { if( edit->numlines >= max_buf_lines ) send_to_char( "Buffer is full.\r\n> ", ch ); else { if( argument[2] == ' ' ) line = atoi( argument + 2 ) - 1; else line = edit->on_line; if( line < 0 ) line = edit->on_line; if( line < 0 || line > edit->numlines ) send_to_char( "Out of range.\r\n> ", ch ); else { for( x = ++edit->numlines; x > line; x-- ) mudstrlcpy( edit->line[x], edit->line[x - 1], MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); mudstrlcpy( edit->line[line], "", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); send_to_char( "Line inserted.\r\n> ", ch ); } } return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "d" ) ) { if( edit->numlines == 0 ) send_to_char( "Buffer is empty.\r\n> ", ch ); else { if( argument[2] == ' ' ) line = atoi( argument + 2 ) - 1; else line = edit->on_line; if( line < 0 ) line = edit->on_line; if( line < 0 || line > edit->numlines ) send_to_char( "Out of range.\r\n> ", ch ); else { if( line == 0 && edit->numlines == 1 ) { memset( edit, '\0', sizeof( EDITOR_DATA ) ); edit->numlines = 0; edit->on_line = 0; send_to_char( "Line deleted.\r\n> ", ch ); return; } for( x = line; x < ( edit->numlines - 1 ); x++ ) mudstrlcpy( edit->line[x], edit->line[x + 1], MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); mudstrlcpy( edit->line[edit->numlines--], "", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if( edit->on_line > edit->numlines ) edit->on_line = edit->numlines; send_to_char( "Line deleted.\r\n> ", ch ); } } return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "g" ) ) { if( edit->numlines == 0 ) send_to_char( "Buffer is empty.\r\n> ", ch ); else { if( argument[2] == ' ' ) line = atoi( argument + 2 ) - 1; else { send_to_char( "Goto what line?\r\n> ", ch ); return; } if( line < 0 ) line = edit->on_line; if( line < 0 || line > edit->numlines ) send_to_char( "Out of range.\r\n> ", ch ); else { edit->on_line = line; ch_printf( ch, "(On line %d)\r\n> ", line + 1 ); } } return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "l" ) ) { if( edit->numlines == 0 ) send_to_char( "Buffer is empty.\r\n> ", ch ); else { send_to_char( "------------------\r\n", ch ); for( x = 0; x < edit->numlines; x++ ) ch_printf( ch, "%2d> %s\r\n", x + 1, edit->line[x] ); send_to_char( "------------------\r\n> ", ch ); } return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "a" ) ) { send_to_char( "\r\nAborting... ", ch ); stop_editing( ch ); return; } if( get_trust( ch ) > LEVEL_IMMORTAL && !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "!" ) ) { DO_FUN *last_cmd; int substate = ch->substate; last_cmd = ch->last_cmd; ch->substate = SUB_RESTRICTED; interpret( ch, argument + 3 ); ch->substate = substate; ch->last_cmd = last_cmd; set_char_color( AT_GREEN, ch ); send_to_char( "\r\n> ", ch ); return; } if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "s" ) ) { d->connected = CON_PLAYING; if( !ch->last_cmd ) return; ( *ch->last_cmd ) ( ch, "" ); return; } } if( edit->size + strlen( argument ) + 1 >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1 ) send_to_char( "You buffer is full.\r\n", ch ); else { if( strlen( argument ) > 79 ) { strncpy( buf, argument, 79 ); buf[79] = 0; send_to_char( "(Long line trimmed)\r\n> ", ch ); } else mudstrlcpy( buf, argument, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ); mudstrlcpy( edit->line[edit->on_line++], buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if( edit->on_line > edit->numlines ) edit->numlines++; if( edit->numlines > max_buf_lines ) { edit->numlines = max_buf_lines; send_to_char( "Buffer full.\r\n", ch ); save = TRUE; } } if( save ) { d->connected = CON_PLAYING; if( !ch->last_cmd ) return; ( *ch->last_cmd ) ( ch, "" ); return; } send_to_char( "> ", ch ); }
Color.c, send_to_desc_color
char *colstr;
const char *colstr;
Color.c, send_to_char_color
char *colstr;
const char *colstr;
Color.c, send_to_pager_color
char *colstr;
const char *colstr;
mud_comm.c, get_color
char *cptr;
const char *cptr;
Shops.c, get_cost
int cost;
int cost = 0;
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